The pedestrian “supercrossing” linking Woolwich’s Elizabeth Line station with the town centre could be in line for a redesign because walkers are ignoring it, Greenwich Council’s deputy leader has said.

A pair of wide pedestrian crossings across the busy A206 were opened in 2018 to connect the Royal Arsenal with the rest of Woolwich. But the crossing nearest the station does not lead directly to it. 

And since the station opened in May last year, passengers have been walking straight across the road rather than using the crossing.

Asked about the issue in a public question at Wednesday night’s council meeting, Averil Lekau said that Transport for London was working on ideas, but the council had concerns that a redesigned crossing would move the problem to the crossing leading into Beresford Square.

She said: “Transport for London have committed to working on this crossing and have outlined a feasibility design study they wish to undertake.

“While we support the delivery of a new crossing in this location, we have concerns that any new proposal that would solve the existing issues we have, may also create a similar issue to the west, following the realignment of the western arm of the crossing.

“The initial analysis we have seen shows the majority of pedestrians using the western arm of the supercrossing are heading east towards the station entrance but we are not sure this guarantees they would head east on the southern footway to cross at the realigned crossing, rather than crossing informally. Given the significant volumes observed on this part of the crossing we feel this warrants further investigation.”

A solution to the problem could still be a couple of years away, she added.

“Ultimately, we concluded that something needs to be done and agreed that what was proposed was the best option to take forward to modelling,” Lekau said. “The scheme is still at feasibility design stage and there will be an ongoing dialogue with TfL on design detail as it is developed. We are working with TfL to develop a solution, whilst also highlighting that it is a complex junction and the process may take a couple of years.”

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