Eddystone Road in Brockley blocked by planters
A pre-crisis scheme saw Lewisham place planters on Eddystone Road in Brockley – a popular cycling and walking route towards Nunhead and Peckham – with plans to create a small open space

Lewisham Council has revealed where it is considering making changes to the road network to make it easier to walk and cycle safely during the pandemic – and is asking the public for suggestions for other locations.

853 revealed at the weekend that both Lewisham and Greenwich councils were planning changes to help residents keep two metres apart while walking along the road, and to make it easier to cycle with public transport capacity sharply cut back.

Now Lewisham has stepped forward to consult on schemes it is planning in its borough and to ask for other ideas.

Its officers have already worked up plans to create more pedestrian space and tackle illegal parking in Deptford High Street and to restrict parking which blocks the access to Luxmore Gardens, off Malpas Road in Brockley.

Other schemes, which are still being worked on, are planned for Blackheath Village, Brockley station, Dartmouth Road, Hither Green Lane, Sangley Road in Catford, Staplehurst Road near Hither Green station and Wells Park Road in Sydenham, according to the website.

Extra space for walking and cycling is also being considered for Brockley Road and Malpas Road from the South Circular to Lewisham Way, Brookmill Road and Deptford Church Street, Lewisham Road, Perry Vale, Sydenham Road, and a north-south route from Blackheath Village through Lee to the boundary with Bromley at Grove Park. The website also says that Lewisham officers are working with TfL on a possible route using the A21 from Downham to Lewisham.

The consultation is similar to one held nearly two years ago where Lewisham canvassed the public for ideas for long-term changes.

Future phases will look at quieter residential streets and creating more space outside schools.

“With more people walking & cycling we’ve seen air quality improve by 19-31%,” Lewisham’s cabinet member for transport, Sophie McGeevor, said on social media. “We hope these changes can help make this permanent. Fewer than half of households own a car in Lewisham, this will reclaim our roads for the majority and help meet our climate emergency commitments.”

You can find the consultation at lewishamcovidtransport.commonplace.is.

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